
About YouScience

YouScience was formed in 2012 with the objective of assisting students around the United States in finding the ideal career path for them based on their interests, goals, and skills, and weaknesses. You Science is a simple solution that can produce results in a matter of hours, possibly saving years of time and effort in a career path that may or may not be right for you. YouScience is the only online career and education planning system that is founded on the science of aptitudes. By analyzing aptitudes, interests, and personality in one integrated platform, it`s transforming the way students prepare and plan for their future. The YouScience College Success Profile then highlights a student`s fit within college majors and occupations, allowing them to explore possibilities, prepare for the future, and share their findings with family, friends, and counselors. The majority of young adults have no idea what they want to do when they grow up. They created YouScience after discovering that the instruments commonly utilized for career advising were ineffective. They wish to assist young adults in gaining a better understanding of their abilities, talents, and gifts, as well as expanding their vision of what they can genuinely achieve. YouScience identifies students` talents through aptitude-based "brain games" and then matches them to high-demand occupations that match their aptitudes and interests. They aid individuals in revealing their route to success and are available directly to consumers through their website or through chosen high schools, colleges, and independent consultants. For students, YouScience has a variety of unique discounts and incentives. With YouScience coupon codes, their consumers can get their services at a discount.