
About Workshare

Use Workshare to compare documents quickly and accurately. Compare files, clear up sensitive metadata, and work on files in a secure manner. You may compare two papers in any format in a matter of seconds, directly from Outlook or through integration with your existing document and case management systems. Install their multi-functional document comparison tool on your desktop or as a cloud-based service. Each modification is significant when comparing two documents as part of a structured evaluation. This process can be completed fast and accurately with Workshare, ensuring that at least a few modifications are missed. You may simply navigate between modifications, regardless of how long or intricate the material is, or you can focus on changes categorized by type, ranging from minor punctuation to major content changes that can make a significant effect. Multiple team members on a single project can easily edit, compare, and collaborate on documents with Workshare. Every project is integrated with Workshare, so everyone on your team can view every modification and version of every document. Workshare also adds an added degree of security, ensuring that all of your hard work is never lost and makes it simple to sync to devices and carry documents with you on the road, ensuring that your project is always at hand. Workshare has launched Workshare Protect Enterprise, a service that removes metadata and encrypts emails. Workshare is a market leader in secure workplace file sharing and collaboration software that makes it easier for people and teams to collaborate securely. Workshare coupon codes allow you to save money on your purchases.