Vital Choice

About Vital Choice

Do you enjoy eating seafood? Are you concerned, though, about the environmental damage that fishing frequently causes? Vital Choice offers to supply organic food as well as sustainable seafood. Randy Hartnell, the founder of Vital Choice and a Washington native, is passionate about sustainable and environmentally conscious food. As a result, he is deeply concerned about the United States` low standing (80th) in health and fitness. Seafood, dietary supplements, cooking utensils, and cookbooks are available at Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics. It`s a destination for those concerned about the quality of their meals. Wild sockeye salmon, halibut, cod, and shrimp are available at The fish are caught in the waters around Alaska and the Pacific Northwest using environmentally friendly ways. Within hours of being caught, they are cleaned and flash-frozen. They are high in critical nutrients, making them an excellent addition to any meal. At Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics, you may order salmon jerky, lox, and canned wild seafood, among other things. Salmon burgers are a hearty dish any time of year, and wild salmon bacon is a healthier alternative to standard bacon. If you prefer land-raised meat to sea-raised meat, you can choose from chicken, bison, and beef items. Organic oils and chocolates, vinegar, and trail mix are all available on Whether you`re interested in cooking or simply snacking, you`ll find something wonderful. All orders above $99.00 qualify for free shipping. Other orders are subject to shipping charges, which vary depending on the amount of the order, the shipping method used, and the delivery location. Within 30 days after purchase, you can seek a refund or exchange. Shipping fees are also eligible for a refund if any of the items in question were delivered late or damaged during shipping. Use Vital Choice coupon codes to receive even better deals on these items.