
About Textbooks.com

Do you want to buy textbooks as a student? Or have you graduated and are looking for some extra money for your old books? Textbooks.com is one company that allows you to shop for the books you need while passing on the books you don`t need at a low cost. Textbooks.com was founded to assist students, readers, moms, dads, and tech geeks obtain books quickly and affordably. Textbooks.com boasts the world`s most popular textbooks, with upwards of 10 million books in their warehouse. They sell both new and used books on a variety of subjects. The majority of the books available are for various college courses, while others are collections of canonized literature. When you`ve determined which book you`ll need for your classes, enter the ISBN or title into textbooks.com to order exactly what you need. If you don`t want to buy the book, you can rent it much lower cost. There are no additional fees when you rent books, and you can still highlight important information while in class. This is an excellent option for those who will only need the books for a short period or who know they will not need them after graduation. FREE shipping is available, but only on certain orders. Other orders will charge standard shipping charges. Within 30 days of delivery, returns are accepted. Expect a refund in about two weeks. The customer receives a refund for the total cost minus shipping charges. Ebooks, which you can download and read on an electronic reading device, are another option. When renting, you can still use Textbooks.com coupon codes to get a discount on the price.