Specialty Pool Products

About Specialty Pool Products

You will find a need to visit Specialty Pool Products (PoolProducts.com) when you have a swimming pool at home or are planning to have one in near future. Whether you want to calculate the total estimated budget that will be required for construction and maintenance of a swimming pool or want to have all the accessories and products required to clean and decorate it, you will find it all at this online store. This company is a Connecticut based business, initiated in the year 1994. Over an experience of such long and hardworking years, they have managed to jot down just right needs and requirements of their customers, which is why their warehouse is filled with the right products that you will be looking for. "Chemicals": Chlorine, Algaecides and Water Balancers, "Pool Equipments": Automatic Cleaners, Pumps, Filters and Heaters, "Liners": Above-ground and In-ground Liners, "Pools": Intex and Radiant Insulated Pools, "Solar Covers": Solar Blankets, Above-ground and In-ground Reels, "Accessories": Ladders, Slides, Toys and Diving Boards, "Maintenance": Vac Hose, Thermometers and Paint, "Spa & Sauna": Spa Covers and Chemicals, "Home & Yard": Furniture, Umbrellas, Lighting and so much more!. Swimming is more fun when you have a personal pool right at your homes. Get one and keep it maintained with authenticated and highest quality products from Specialty Pool Products. Want to save on purchase? Add some Specialty Pool Products coupon codes to the cart and save on orders and shipping services.