About store is part of the Summit Sports Inc. family of brands, which also includes,,, and others. was founded with the intention of selling snowboards. Since its inception in 1990, the firm has expanded to include the sale of a variety of different snowboard gear, as well as general clothes for men, women, and children. Steve Kopitz created the company when he was just 6 years old and had been snowboarding for over 51 years. Steve Kopitz, CEO of, seeks the highest quality in his sporting endeavours, and he transfers this drive into high-quality options for snowboarders like himself. You can trust Steve Kopitz`s buying guides, size charts, essays, and videos to educate you about his favourite sports, as he has over half a century of experience in skiing and snowboarding. has snowboards, skateboards, and snowskates for men, women, boys, and girls, so you may reach the pinnacle of comfort and style. Emesco Group, Del Sol Racks, Burton, Defiance, and other brands are available. Snowboard boots and bindings are available in a variety of sizes for men, women, and children, as well as jackets, pants, shirts, vests, hoodies, flannels, turtlenecks, and other apparel. They also sell wall racks, goggles, lenses, helmets, headphones, and other accessories. Snowboard boots, snowboard helmets, snowboards, snowboard goggles, snowboard packages, pocket tools, leashes, and stomp pads are among the products supplied by for men, women, boys, and girls. Snowboard packages can also be combined with coupon codes to save even more money.