
When it comes to finding the best carpets from across the world, Modern Rugs is the only site you`ll ever need. Modern Rugs, as one of the largest online retailers of rugs, has almost half a million square feet of warehouse space, all of which is required to store their massive inventory. From contemporary rugs to designer rugs, there`s something for everyone in this collection. Modern Rugs is the UK`s leading online carpet supplier, having been established in 2004. Newton Afield is home to their main distribution warehouse and office, from which they ship carpets throughout the UK and Europe. Because of their significant experience in the flooring sector, they are able to find the maximum number of high-quality carpets at the most affordable costs. You get exactly what you see. They go to great lengths to ensure that the color you see on the website is the same color you get when your carpet arrives. Modern Rugs is a proud good weave partner who takes its customers and manufacturers seriously! They collaborate with 18 exceptional suppliers and manufacturers to assure continuous buyer quality and fair pay for producers. All orders shipped inside the contiguous United States are eligible for free shipping. There is no requirement for a minimum purchase. Orders may be returned for refunds or exchanges within 30 days after receipt. If you return your item within this deadline, you won`t be charged any shipping or restocking fees. When you use one of the coupon codes, you won`t have to pay full price for your rugs from