
About IngramSpark

A publish-on-demand platform called IngramSpark makes it possible to distribute content in print and electronic formats to readers anywhere in the world. With a self-service online platform, the service streamlines sales, account setup, content management, and customer support activities. It is specifically designed to meet the needs of small independent publishers and self-published authors. The account setup fee is free. To begin, all you`ll need is an email address, a credit card, an ISBN, print-ready PDFs for print titles, and EPUB and JPEG for e-books. Everywhere that sells books in any format, including Apple, Kobo, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bertrams, Waterstones, and Booktopia, is a partner of IngramSpark. Other partners include libraries, independent and chain bookstores, and online retailers. With IngramSpark, your books can be distributed to more than 87% of the globe, reaching over 40 000 bookstores and libraries. Regardless of the genre you write for—novels, poetry collections, children`s books, cookbooks, graphic novels, etc.—IngramSpark will help you publish and reach the right readers. IngramSpark is the most economical publishing platform available because you handle the majority of the publishing tasks. Use IngramSpark coupon codes to save money on your publishing expenses when you get started with the platform today.