
About iflorist

Give someone a beautiful bouquet to show them how much you care. Flowers always put smiles on people`s faces, whether it`s a birthday gift, a wedding present, or a modest gesture to let them know you`re thinking about them. iflorist is a global network of florists established in the United Kingdom. Under the name Colonial Gifts Limited, David Price and Steven Harris launched the company in 2006. Today, the company employs over 1,700 florists in the United Kingdom alone, with a global network of over 20,000 in over 140 countries. The business carries a wide range of flowers, including seasonal blooms, boutique blooms, and flowers for saying goodbye to a loved one. Everything is available in the shop. However, the florist carries a lot more than that. iflorist not only sells flowers, cards for any occasion, and a large range of presents, but it also does it at a reasonable price. Going cheap doesn`t always have to mean sacrificing quality, and you`ll never have to worry about that with this florist. The shop sells some of the healthiest and most beautiful flowers around, and it doesn`t charge a premium for them. You`ll also be able to save on shipping, whether you`re delivering today or in a few weeks. Beautiful bouquets for every occasion are available at iFlorist, and you can save money by using iflorist coupon codes.