Greeting Card Universe

About Greeting Card Universe

You`ll find cards for any occasion at Greeting Card Universe. You`ll find sympathy and get-well cards, as well as "Congratulations!" and "Good luck!" greetings, in addition to a big selection of birthday, anniversary, and graduation cards. In the summer of 2007, I was born in San Ramon, California. Greeting Card Universe is one of the world`s largest privately held paper greeting card online stores, with over 500,000 custom greeting card designs, as well as a birthday greeting cards, invitations, announcements, holiday cards, and every other sort of card imaginable. Throughout the year, provides the appropriate cards for every holiday. Not only does the website cover Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, but it also has fantastic greeting cards for other occasions. Show your love for your grandparents with the appropriate Grandparents` Day card, or surprise your boss with the right Boss`s Day sentiment. Greeting Card Universe is a site that isn`t just for the holidays. Choose from invitations for anything from weddings and christenings to your child`s birthday party at You can use the site to find a choice of thank-you cards to send out after the party. Check out the photo cards you can make yourself if you`re seeking something truly unique. This website has reasonable shipping and handling fees. For an extra fee, priority overnight and two-day shipping are available. Any defective, damaged, or wrongly printed cards will be replaced or refunded within 30 days. Customer errors do not result in refunds. You can save money by utilizing one of the many Greeting Card Universe coupon codes while purchasing that perfect card you`ve been looking for on These unique Greeting Card Universe deals can help you save money on your card purchases.