
About GoldieBlox

The best toys stimulate a child`s senses, inspire their imaginations, and encourage them to socialise. Children are anxious to learn everything they can about the world around them, and depriving them of this opportunity is detrimental to their growth. Male children, on the other hand, have a lot of toys to play with, whereas female children do not. If you`re looking for toys for your kids, you should check out Goldieblox. GoldieBlox is a toy company based in Oakland, California, that sells interactive toys for girls. Its offices are located at 30 Livingston Street. GoldieBlox makes toys, games, and entertainment for girls with the goal of encouraging early interest in engineering and problem-solving skills. Goldieblox claimed to have accomplished this by designing toys that encourage creativity while also teaching youngsters how to make the things they enjoy. The founder, "Debbie Sterling," had a background as the sole graduating female engineering student from her set, which inspired this notion. Goldieblox`s purpose, according to the company, is to reach out to young girls and introduce them to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). And this is geared at giving them the confidence they need to succeed in these areas. Toys in the GoldieBlox line offer engineering ideas to females through storytelling and constructing, as part of Goldieblox`s objective to reach out to girls. They sell a variety of toys as well as gift cards. Use GoldieBlox coupon codes at checkout if you want to acquire GoldieBlox services at a low cost.