Capture The Magic

About Capture The Magic

Capture the Magic, a photo editing Christmas app developed in 2016. The app now contains four sub-apps offering the most amazing photo editing tools and templates. Two of their top apps are Catch Santa in my house with C and Catch Santa Claus in my house. These apps have more than 1 million users. The app helps you design a place with Santa in it. Take a picture of your favorite corner, and then add Santa Claus to that corner. It shows Santa is in your home, which will excite your kids. Download the app, choose from varieties of Santa poses, add a holiday overlay, and edit it by adjusting the brightness so everything looks cohesive and real. Then add the paid sticker, download it, and taa-daa, your photo of Santa is ready and set. They also let you add the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy to your photos so your kids enjoy them being in your home. This magical photo editing app is now available for Android and IOS users. They also offer deals and discounts on their stickers and templates, so you can enjoy the best holiday pictures without worrying about breaking your budget. The app has thousands of satisfied customers who use the app for holiday photo editing and anime projects. If you also want to bring Santa home this holiday, use the Capture The Magic coupon codes and get any sticker of your choice at a great discount!