
About BookBaby

Bookbaby is a one-of-a-kind ebook self-publishing platform. The author can submit the book`s content, cover, author bio, book keywords, and more all in one easy location. The book will then be packaged and sold online for one low price, with the author receiving 100% of the earnings. If you want to advertise a book, you won`t want to miss out on Bookbaby, which can help you save more money on each order. Since its inception in 2011, BookBaby has grown to become the country`s leading independent publishing house. BookBaby is a non-profit organization founded by a group of writers, artists, bloggers, and experts who are dedicated to assisting all essayists in properly distributing their work. They need to keep it simple. For what it`s worth, writing a book is challenging enough. Bookbaby makes it simple to publish an e-book with features like complete personalization and cost management, among others. Simple instructions that make finishing your e-book a snap. It contains useful information and tips to assist you in marketing your books. They offer a variety of ebook formats, allowing you to sell your book almost anyplace. To learn how to start publishing your own books, go to the Bookbaby website`s help area. When you apply BookBaby coupon codes on your order, you may become the author you`ve always wanted to be for less.