Angie`s List

About Angie`s List

Angie`s List is a well-known American website where people may read evaluations of local businesses. Over 700 different sorts of professional services are rated and reviewed on Angie`s List. Angie`s List gives its members peace of mind. Angie`s List, founded in 1995 by its namesake Angie Hicks, connects customers with dependable, trustworthy service professionals. Other sites allow businesses to purchase their way into high ratings and are frequently filled with anonymous reviews, while Angie`s List cuts through the advertising clutter to provide you with honest suggestions from real customers just like you. You`ll obtain exact facts about the project`s completion, cost, professionalism, quality of work, and response time on an easy-to-use rating scale from A to F, with over 600,000 reviews completed monthly. Every Angie`s List review prioritizes dependability and honesty. Your Angie`s List membership, however, provides you with more than just reviews.You`ll get access to Neighborhood specialists, who are available six days a week by phone. You have access to Angie`s List Magazine, which is packed with articles, interviews, and tips, as well as discounts from service providers and online retailers. You will be given up to 20% off on a new membership. On qualified purchases, members receive an additional 15% cashback. Using the Big Deal function, you may find local deals. Depending on your zip code, you may be eligible for discounts on some services. Annual membership payments are fully guaranteed, and you can receive a refund of up to 110 % of your fees. The extra 10% is considered a thank you for giving the service a try. Angie`s List offers monthly and annual subscription choices to suit your needs, whether you want long-term access to the complete site or need to discover a highly-rated contractor for your next project. Angie`s List offers a 110 % satisfaction guarantee on annual memberships, which can be easily canceled and refunded. Use Angie`s List coupon codes to get a discount on your membership and locate professionals for various tasks, such as concrete repair, satellite TV service, auto alarm installation, painting, and even marriage counseling. There are recommendations for almost anything you might need, with over 500 distinct kinds of enterprises.