
About Alibris

Alibris launched in November 1998 and since then it has been renowned as Internet’s largest independently owned and operated market place. Basically it is similar to a forum where people who share a passion for books, music and movies can meet and engage in a buying/selling procedure. This website hosts a variety of books, movies and music from different eras and genres. Here it is possible to find almost every kind of book or movie that ever existed in this world. This goes to show what a developed and efficient business this is. Alibris is an established online business therefore it has a very extensive customer care service program. Their customer care service is available 24/7. You can e-mail them or call them. Their shipping and return policies are really simple. The standard shipping procedure can take 4 to 14 business days. The time duration and charges depend on the location. Plus, if you want an order delivered urgently it would cost more. The return policy is pretty basic. Just browse this page to find the latest verified Alibris coupon codes for your online purchase.