
About 1800GetLens

In 1994, 1800GetLens started as a mail-order contact lens company and today sends out over 300,000 shipments every year to its consumers. Before the online Internet made it possible for anybody to sell contacts online, the company refined its customer service. Customers can get name-brand contact lenses for a low price from 1800GetLens. Every pair of contact lenses supplied is FDA approved, just like those available at your optometrist`s office. You may order contacts from companies like Johnson & Johnson, Acuvue, Biomedics, Cooper Vision, and Bausch & Lomb through 1800getlens.com. The company`s enormous inventory allows them to rapidly and efficiently fill contact prescriptions. Corrective lenses for a variety of vision disorders are available from 1800getlens.com`s large contact lens selection. Air Optix Aqua Multifocal, Acuvue Advance for Astigmatism, 1-Day Acuvue Moist, and Focus Dailies are some of the specialty products available. The company ships your order as early as your prescription is checked to make purchasing contact lenses as simple as possible. There`s noneed to compromise on quality or settle for a lesser-known brand in order to save money on contacts. Customers in Canada and the United States can get flat-rate delivery from 1800GetLens. At an extra cost, expedited delivery is available. Orders placed with 1800getlens.com are guaranteed to be filled correctly and free of problems from the manufacturer. Returns must be in their original, undamaged condition. Other online contact lens retailers struggle to compete with 1800GetLens` extensive range, which includes all of the leading national brands such as Acuvue, Bausch & Lomb, Biomedics, Focus, FreshLook, and more. Using the website`s A-to-Z contacts list, even obscure, hard-to-find brands and styles can be found. When you utilize 1800GetLens coupon codes, you may save even more money on already discounted contact lenses.